Statistics say murders usually are perpetrated by someone the victim knows, so using this, a great deal of crimes can be “brute forced” once a comprehensive list of the victim’s attachments can be built.
Guide to Solve Most Murders
Step 1
Find evidence of perp (fingerprint works best).
I like to check door handles on the way out for fingerprints, as well as going through their files and computer. This usually turns up something relevant but sometimes important prints are hidden well like in a crumpled up note in a dark corner.
Step 2
Find victim’s employer and house.
Usually a murder happens at one of these two locations, but once you have their name the house can be found easily through the city directory and then their employer can be found from the file box.
Step 3
Pin every coworker from the employee file cabinet and pin every name in the address book at their house.
You’re going to want to zoom out the case board for this one and personally I like organizing the suspects by area so I can search for evidence more efficiently.
Step 4
Go around banging on suspect’s doors one by one until you find matching evidence to the perp.
If you have fingerprint evidence just scan people’s doors. There should be two fingerprints on their door if they have a partner, one if they live alone. Save scumming can be used at one’s discretion here to speed things up.
Step 5
Cross off suspects until you’re left with one.
If you’ve compared and collected evidence right then that person is the murderer and if you want to be safe because you’re not confident in your deductive reasoning skills just save before submitting the case.
In Summary: Where to find clues when the body is outside
At least you have the body as a clue. Examine the body, fingers prints, search.
- Pin is photo.
- Pin is fingers prints.
- If you are lucky you can find is wallet on him.
You can ask people around if they know this person (photo).
More Guides:
- Shadows of Doubt – Combat Guide
- Shadows of Doubt – Starting Tips
- Shadows of Doubt – How to Performance
- Shadows of Doubt – How to Solve Any Job
- Shadows of Doubt – Easy Money Guide